Round off back handspring across the gym floor
Let's Fire it up Stephenville!
Right and Left hurdlers
Come on Jackets, Let's Win Honeybees!
right herky, left herky
All the way Jacket Team!
Individual Cheer:
Victory, let's yell it out
Come on crowd, let's hear you shout
Jacket fans, show your pride
We're on the road to winning state
The Jacket team will dominate
Yell W-I-N (clap)
Come on crowd, let's hear you shout
Jacket fans, show your pride
We're on the road to winning state
The Jacket team will dominate
Yell W-I-N (clap)
Exiting gym:
Shake you cans Jacket fans!
double toe touch
That's how I became a mom of a cheerleader!
So proud of you baby girl!
So proud of you baby girl!
Way to go Kaleigh!