Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weight Gain

Most people are not excited about weight gain, but for Jacoby it's awesome. Jacoby will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, and has the hardest time gaining weight. His highest weight gain since birth 2 ozs in one week. This last week, he gained 11 ozs, finally made it to 8lbs 13ozs. After trying breast feeding and every nipple Wal-mart sells, along with 6 formula changes, Failure to Thrive tests, and so many blood draws we can't count, we finally found something that works! Just make double the bottle and let him continue to make a mess, in hopes that 1/2 the bottle will get into his belly.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe what a small little cutie he is! I am glad he finally gained some weight. Are his kidneys okay? I never did here what they learned about that after he was born. Look at the bright side, at least he gets to use all of those darling little newborn clothes for longer:).
