Friday, February 27, 2009

Maddux - Basketball Season 2009

Maddux, Austin, Jarret, Stetson
Alex, Josh, Ben, Tyler

Stephenville Dawgz - Undefeated Season!

Basketball season has been a blast this year! I guess thats happens when you WIN all the time! Many, many hard practices 2 to 3 times a week, for 2 to 3 hours each practice, but all the work paid off. Maddux has never been known to handle the ball very well, but this year everything started to click! I remember the first practice I went to and they had Maddux running drills, dribbling 2 basketballs at the same time, I was amazed at his progress.

We started out the season planning on playing in a league and possibly a tournament. After our first league game winning 48-2, they kicked us out, for being too good! That's okay, because the team kept practicing and ended up winning all 3 tournaments they played in.

Maddux averaged 10 points a game, most of them on fast break lay-ups! It was a great year for basketball! We all loved watching Maddux grow as an athlete.

Obama - First State of the Union Address

Okay, why blog about Obama? He is and will be full of history and I plan on turning this blog into book of memories for my children.

So with that said, I'm not sure about all the details of the State of the Union Address. What I do know, is the humor I found, watching and listening to Kaleigh, watch the Address. Kaleigh, who is known for her questions, agruments and humorous statements, loves to discuss politics. One of her many statements, "I bet it makes him feel good about himself, when all those people clap and stand up." After 30 minutes of the constist standing ovations, she said "I bet he wishes those people would stop standing up and claping, he could be done by now!" Nearly after every point Obama made, Kaleigh would ask, "so what does that mean?" I should have TIVO'd the Address, so we could have a break out discusion! So watch out Hilliary, Kaleigh's coming after the job you want!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Baby Girl turns 11!!!

Happy Birthday, Kaleigh!!! I can't believe your 11 already! You are a beautiful girl with an amazing personality! We love you more than you can ever imagine.

What does every kid in America want these days? The latest and greatest in cell phone technology of course. The Quick-Fire in lime green was her choice. It had to have a full key board, this one also has a touch screen, what a bonus. I just hope she makes it through school day, without getting it taken away. We spent last night getting all the numbers moved over to the new phone. She made momma feel good last night, when she opened it and said momma, thanks, forgetting that her dad gave it to her too!

Jacoby and mom picked up Kaleigh's favorite lunch and had lunch at school with her. Taco Casa of course, tacos and Dublin Dr. Pepper! Nana made super cute cupcakes and brought them to school.

We are so blessed to have Kaleigh (Boo-Bear), our one and only baby girl.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Weight Gain

Most people are not excited about weight gain, but for Jacoby it's awesome. Jacoby will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, and has the hardest time gaining weight. His highest weight gain since birth 2 ozs in one week. This last week, he gained 11 ozs, finally made it to 8lbs 13ozs. After trying breast feeding and every nipple Wal-mart sells, along with 6 formula changes, Failure to Thrive tests, and so many blood draws we can't count, we finally found something that works! Just make double the bottle and let him continue to make a mess, in hopes that 1/2 the bottle will get into his belly.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogging 101

Let's just start out by saying, I'm not great at writing, telling stories, spelling, grammar etc. I have had many request and need to start documenting life, in the Conger family. I'm not sure why or how I'll have time to keep this up, I have a Myspace and a Facebook account that keeps me busy!

Let's start by introducing Team Conger:

Dad- Bryan: He is coaching baseball for Tarleton State University, in Stephenville Texas. Due to NCAA rules I doubt I go beyond that.

Mom-Melanie: I'm a stay out home mom, who gets nothing done. I'm really good at wasting time on the computer and setting around holding the baby.

Brother - Maddux: 12 year old, in the 6th grade loves any and all sports. Currently discovering girls aren't so bad. Please start praying for me!!

Sister - Kaleigh: 10 year old, in the 5th grade loves sports and loves hanging out with her friends. Still thinks boys are horrible creatures.

Brother - Jacob Bryan Allen: 19 year old, Freshman at Hardin Simmons University.

Brother - Jacoby: a 6 week old, baby. He currently loves sleeping during the day and crying all night. He has had a horrible time gaining weight, during his first weeks of life.

That's Team Conger! It's baseball season, so I'll try to keep you posted on Life at the Conger's.