Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Jacoby Turn's One.....

Let me start catching up. The most important thing I've not blogged....the baby turned one!!!

Jacoby Jax Conger - our Christmas baby 12.25.08 Who knew what the first year would bring? It was full of ups and downs, but keeping FAITH that God is in control, it turned out to be a wonderful year.
Jacoby started his Birth "day" out at 5am ready for Santa! Maddux and Kaleigh choose to sleep in this Christmas (the first Christmas ever -makes me so sad they are too old to enjoy Santa), but I have a feeling next Christmas Jacoby will be waking them up, I can't wait!!! Finally Maddux and Kaleigh woke up and we had our family Christmas. It wasn't long till Jacoby went down for a nap, the longest nap he's ever taken. At dinner time Chief, Nana, Grannie, Bryan, Maddux, Kaleigh, Jacoby and I started our BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Soup and sandwiches hit the spot, before we helped ourselves to the Cookie Monster Cupcake Cake.

Cookie Monster Cake designed and prepared by sissy - THANKS Kaleigh!!!!

So it came time to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY...............
Jacoby freaked out at everyone singing at the same time...................He turned and crawled up his da da as fast as he could..........So with Jacoby's oral sensory disorder, that means he still doesn't eat food and does not like anything in his mouth. We thought this might not go so well.Well, we were wrong, maybe it's because I don't cover his baby food with frosting!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY BOY...................

Friday, January 15, 2010

Blogger Block or Enjoying Life.....

Okay so I haven't updated the blog in months! Too many good things happend in those months and I took the time and enjoyed them. Time with my husband, kids and family. That time you never get back while attempting to blog about them so you can remember them later! I'm working on catching up, but I'm also attempting to stay on top of laundry more, maybe cook a few more meals, taking the time to play with Jacoby more and enjoy my days more. Notice I've not included working out more, yet!!

I've had some good conversations with other stay at home moms. Why is it called "stay at home mom"? It's more like laundry service, dish washer, maid, lawn care service, shopping expert.....none of which actually allows you to be a mom.

So I'll start catching the blog up soon!

Till then....
Let me think about it.